Thursday, November 20, 2008

Flooded Basement

We knew it was bound to happen sometime...

After having many friends have their basements flood, we figured our's was going to happen next and it did! Last Friday morning, I walked down the basement steps and my feet were greeted with soaking wet carpet. I go into the storage room and see about an inch of water.
What a mess! AND what makes it worse? See those floating "pellets?" That's dog food! An entire bag of dog food split open and spilled into the water. See that plant pot next to the freezer? That's the dog food that we "raked" up. It was a soggy, disgusting mess!

Fortunately, nothing was really ruined since everything was in rubbermaid containers. The only item "damaged" was the dog food...which we'll claim, and a box of REALLY old books that I didn't care enough about to put into rubbermaid containers. But, the adjuster said to claim it--how much is an old Hardy Boys book anyway? or an old childhood book entitled Nitter Pitter....?

Keith's favorite part of the experience? Noticing that the drain is located at the highest point in the storage room---nice!

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